Canceling, Refunding, and Resubscribing

Canceling, Refunding, and Resubscribing

Canceling, Refunding, and Resubscribing

You might want to cancel, refund, and resubscribe a customer if:

  • A Customer ordered the wrong share and needs to switch

  • You have a customer whose biweekly share week you need to change


First, go to Orders and find the customer and order you want to cancel. On the Order Detail page, you will be able to see how much the customer paid for the share and any additional Tips and Fees they also paid at the time. Note: Unlike the video for this feature says, you can in fact refund Tips and Fees in GrownBy. If the Tips and Fees box is grayed out, that indicates that no tips or fees were paid originally. 

To continue the cancellation, look for the item you want to cancel under Item Breakdown. Tick the box next to the Share(s) and the Cancel Items button will appear. When you click it, a pop-up will appear that looks like this:

Note: If you cancel an Order that was paid Offline, you will not have any refund options. You must refund the customer outside of GrownBy if needed or manually assign them Farm Credit for their refund. 

Note: If you cancel an ongoing subscription the day of a pickup, all future pickups will be cancelled. The pickup that is that day will not be cancelled (this is to protect against an in process or already completed pickup being retroactively cancelled). If you would like to cancel the remaining pickup in the subscription, you may do so via the Customer Detail page. 


For a more detailed directions, read this article on Refunds. Under Paid/Total Price, you will be able to see how much the customer has paid of the entire share price. So, if for instance the customer has only paid a deposit, the amount will be listed as “the deposit amount/the full amount”. This is important because you should only refund the amount the customer has paid thus far, not the full invoice amount. 

If you are resubscribing a customer, it's best to refund the paid amount to farm credit

When you are ready, click Confirm Cancellation.


Return to the Customer Detail Page and follow the instructions in the article for Creating Orders for Your Customers.

Related Articles
  1. Invoices Page
  2. Refunds
  3. Creating Orders

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact or schedule a time to talk with us here!

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