Adding Customers to Your Farm on GrownBy

Adding Customers to Your Farm on GrownBy

A farm admin can add customers through their GrownBy dashboard. You might want to do this if: 
  1. You are moving from another platform or system to GrownBy and you want to get everyone started
  2. You have customers who are having trouble getting started with GrownBy or are just never going to buy a CSA share on the internet
  3. You want to use GrownBy to record customers and sales that did not happen on the platform

A couple of notes: 
  1. We consider it best practice for your customers to make their own accounts. You get fresh customer data and you can encourage them to use a phone number as their login credential, which is more convenient and secure. 
  2. When a farm admin creates a customer account, email is the only login option
  3. While we encourage customers to use their phone number as their login, we encourage farm admins to use email addresses (for ease of sharing logins)

Adding or Inviting a customer to GrownBy

To create an account for a customer, go to Customers in your dashboard and click Add or Invite Customer:

A pop-up will appear. Enter the customer’s email address and click invite. It looks like this: 

If the customer is already on GrownBy, they will be invited by email to favorite your farm, which will add them to your customer list. The pop-up looks like this: 

The email they receive looks like this: 

If the customer has never used GrownBy, you will see this popup and when you click OK, you will be able to fill in the customer’s information:

Enter the customer’s information into the form and click submit: 

The customer will be added to your farm and will receive an email inviting them to Setup their account. The email notification looks like this: 

Then they’ll need to follow that link and create a password. 

Even if a customer has not followed the link or added a password, you can make orders for them. This way you can send an invoice to a brand new customer, if, for example, they requested to sign up for a CSA share, or you can simply make sure that a customer is on your CSA sign in and distribution list, even if they just want to send a check and not use the app. 

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